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Here you'll find a selection of:

  • resources
  • games
  • lesson plans
  • assemblies

designed to help pupils engage with world issues, and reflect on their own roles as global citizens.


Prayer Spaces in Schools resources

Setting up a prayer space? Download free resources, created in partnership with Prayer Spaces in Schools.

Ukraine Crisis schools resources

Resources for schools to support children explore their concerns and feelings in the face of the war in Ukraine


We have created a range of games to help children explore complex issues.

Lesson Plans

We have created lesson plans and classroom activities to cover a range of subjects


We have a wide range of assemblies covering a wide range of subjects and seasonal themes

Hands Across The World

A set of resources for school assemblies

School assemblies

Our ready-to-use school assemblies bring global issues of poverty and injustice to life.

Drink from the well

Resources to support primary and secondary pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Get in touch

If you'd like to order teaching resources, book a speaker or find out more about the Christian Aid schools team, email