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Christian Aid Week

Push back against the inhumanity of poverty. Please give today.

Poverty pushes people to the brink. But together we can push back harder.

How your support makes a difference

With your support, more families can build reliable and diverse incomes that bring them food security, better health, safer homes, increased resilience and hope.

Image credits and information i
Aline Nigobora, photographed at her home in Kayagoro village, Makamba, Burundi Credit: Christian Aid/Ndacayisaba Epitace
Woman standing in front of her home in Burundi

Poverty pushed Aline to the brink of survival

Aline felt the full force of extreme poverty when an early marriage ended in abuse and violence.

Separated from her six children, she was forced to sleep on the streets of Burundi. No home. No healthcare. No security.

But Aline was determined to push back against the inhumanity of poverty, driven by hope, faith and the love of her children. She transformed her life with a little help from Christian Aid.

Catch up on Christian Aid Week 2024

Meet Bob. Bob, Allan and a team of walkers from Larne hiked along the Antrim Way from Ballyboley Forest to Slemish to fundraise as part of the 70k in May challenge.

Here’s Bob’s experience of the event: ‘The six team members all got to Ballyboley Forest car park for a 9am start in beautiful weather; starting with a short time of prayer. As we left the forest and joined the Glenhead track, the views were magnificent, with the top of Slemish clearly seen 12 miles away. The last three miles were off road and the track had completely disappeared, just the occasional marker post. That was tough going. We finally met Rev Julian Hamilton at the top of the mountain and gave thanks for God's creation that surrounded us, then went down to the car park where we were joined by others for a short service for Christian Aid. After some sweaty hugs, we parted company. A great day and a great way to end The Walk.’

2 People in forest

Meet Lynda. She organised a ceilidh at First Holywood Presbyterian Church in County Down, to encourage people to step out against poverty and raised an incredible £1300 for Christian Aid Week. We want to thank Lynda and the team of people who helped prepare and serve food at the event, as well as Keith, the fabulous caller.

People pose in front of church

Meet Suzanne. A 76-year-old cancer survivor from East Belfast who walked 70km in May to raise money for Christian Aid Week. Suzanne received surgery in 2020 to treat malignant lesions that made sitting and walking unbearably painful. She is now able to walk again pain-free and hopes to raise as much money through her walking challenge as possible. “I’m so thankful that I’m a survivor of cancer, and my enjoyment of walking can be put to such a good cause for Christian Aid,” she said.

Woman poses for photo

Meet the team from First Lisburn Presbyterian Church. They hold a regular Coffee Dock Café at their church and to mark Christian Aid Week they donated £1000 to support the appeal. Karin, the Coffee Dock coordinator kindly explained, ‘The Coffee Dock Café is part of our outreach ministry, welcoming people from the community of Lisburn and beyond for refreshment and fellowship. We recognise and applaud the work your organisation does to support people in crisis and hope this donation will assist in your mission.’

Group photo

Meet Jennifer and the team from Newtownbreda (St John’s) Presbyterian Church. They organised a pop-up boutique selling women’s pre-loved wedding and occasion wear, all kindly donated by members of their church, during Christian Aid Week at First Avenue Coffee Company on Belfast’s Ormeau Road, to raise funds for our work.

Group photo

Meet our colleagues, Sarah and Joanna. They were part of a team celebrating the work of Christian Aid at this year’s Balmoral Show. We told Aline’s story by encouraging members of the public to join in cycling 70km each day, reaching various landmarks which have been significant in Aline’s journey out of poverty. We shared carrot seeds, bicycle lights and stories of hope with thousands of people over the four days!

Group photo

Please give today

Your donation will help push back against the inhumanity of poverty this Christian Aid Week
Image credits and information i
Alin e Nibogora posses with her three sons (from left to right) Vyukesenge Aubi, Fisto Niyoyandemye and Irumva Devis Infront of her new house which is under construction on August 2nd 2023 in Kayagoro village, Makamba, Burundi. Credit: Christian Aid/Armstrong Too
Mother with her three sons in Burundi

Helpful links

Our guides, resources and ideas can help you make your fundraising a success this Christian Aid Week.

Christian Aid Week resources

Find all the tools and templates to help your fundraising succeed.

Help Centre

Find answers to some commonly asked questions about Christian Aid Week.
Image credits and information i
Aline Nibogora in a prayer position during a family spiritual session on 2nd 2023 in Kayagoro village, Makamba, Burundi. Credit: Christian Aid/Armstrong Too
Woman praying in Burundi
Form A

Pay in your offline money

Pay in all the money you raised offline during Christian Aid Week (including from house-to-house collections). 

No need to include online contributions (like JustGiving or e-envelopes) –  we get those details automatically.

Thank you for your amazing efforts to money raise money for Christian Aid Week.

A huge thank you!

From community events and individual challenges, to church services and speaking with your MPs and TDs, this Christian Aid Week you've made a real difference. 

Your support will help those pushed to the brink of poverty find the strength and opportunity to push back harder. You'll help them fulfil their hopes and ambitions. 

It's not too late to donate

Your gift will ensure more people in places like Burundi get the skills and knowledge they need to push back against the inhumanity of poverty.