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Christian Aid Ireland speaks out against injustices that cause and entrench poverty and inequality in the world. We encourage our supporters to join us in calling for action on the root causes of poverty, such as climate change and corporate tax dodging.

We also undertake research, lobbying and advocacy in order to bring these issues to the attention of those in positions of power.Since Christian Aid Ireland works across more than one political jurisdiction, our campaigning and advocacy work seeks to influence policy at Dáil Éireann, the UK House of Commons, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the European Parliament.


Undermining Human Rights: Ireland, the ESB and Cerrejón coal

Cerrejon mine, Colombia

How you can get invovled

We’re building a world free from poverty and based on dignity justice and love. Be part of the global movement for change.

UK General Election Campaign

The long anticipated 2024 UK General Election is upon us, where the people hoping to represent you in the next UK Parliament will be vying for your vote. This is a crucial opportunity to take action!

Act on Poverty

Christian Aid Week is seven days with so many ways to make a difference. One of these ways is to call on your MP, TD, or candidates to use their position to make lasting change possible.

Rise Up Pay Up

Our latest campaign to get loss and damage on the political agenda.

Climate justice campaign

This is the biggest challenge we face. But together we can restore God’s Earth


Christian Aid Ireland works to inspire support and action in Ireland for a just, equal and sustainable world.