Quiet commitment
Quiet commitment
When Jesus became aware of this, he departed. Many crowds followed him, and he cured all of them, and he ordered them not to make him known.
Something to think about
Yesterday’s verses were all about pointing to Jesus, but in today’s, Jesus doesn’t seem to want the attention! Understandably so. He’d just healed a man on the Sabbath day, and this compassionate act was not met with universal approval: there were plots arising to kill Jesus, so he needed to keep a low profile.
The surprising thing in these dangerous circumstances is that Jesus kept healing people. He navigated a fine line between safety and service, determined to keep up the work to which God had called him despite the threats to his life.
Humanitarian work today is never easy, but in some places it can be particularly dangerous. Those who have a vocation to this kind of service offer themselves and their service despite the challenges to comfort and safety, working side by side with communities living through a disaster. We who serve in more sedate environments can add our prayers and financial support to their efforts.
Something to do
Look at Christian Aid’s latest emergency appeals and if you’re able, make a donation to support the work in these difficult circumstances.