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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

Explore the latest issue, packed with powerful stories of hope and change. Your support is transforming lives worldwide.
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Not all entrepreneurs fit the mould

Breaking the mould and shaping a new future. Women worldwide are rewriting the rules of business.

Bangladesh’s material girls

In one of the poorest and most severely flood-affected areas of Bangladesh, women are embracing new technology to revive ancient art forms, create beautiful beadwork and make colourful clothing.

Supporting a survivor build a new life in Eastern Congo

To kick start this year’s 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, read how sustained support helped a survivor of sexual violence build a new life for herself in DRC.

How cleaner fuel is transforming lives in Northern Malawi

On International Women’s Day, read how our EU-funded Breaking the Barriers programme helped a women’s group boost their income while also making a cleaner fuel source available in their communities.

Supporting survivors of domestic violence in El Salvador

In this blog, we hear ‘Alejandra’s’ story and take a look at how with support from Irish Aid, Christian Aid’s local partner ORMUSA is supporting survivors of domestic violence in El Salvador.

Jean Thomspon: activist and humanitarian

Bangor lady reveals she's leaving a gift to Christian Aid in her Will

False Balances and Just Weights

Board member Gareth Dunlop looks back at his time working with Christian Aid Ireland