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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

Explore the latest issue, packed with powerful stories of hope and change. Your support is transforming lives worldwide.
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‘My children miss their dad so much’

Read the human impact of Israel’s war on Lebanon

Not all entrepreneurs fit the mould

Breaking the mould and shaping a new future. Women worldwide are rewriting the rules of business.

People before palm oil

Read how a palm oil plantation impacted a community in Sierra Leone and how our local partners are helping people get back on their feet

Escaping the conflict in Sudan – voices from the border

Fighting has forced thousands to flee Sudan across the border into South Sudan. Christian Aid met some of the new arrivals – read about the challenges they are facing in this blog.

Unfolding crisis on the border with Sudan

Since fighting erupted in Sudan on 15th April this year, around 2.5 million people have been displaced by the conflict.

Building peace between farmers and herders in Sierra Leone

In this blog read how Christian Aid’s local partner in Sierra Leone has worked to reduce conflict between cattle herders and crop farmers.

Supporting women to take leadership roles in Sierra Leone

On international women’s day, read how with funding from Irish Aid our local partner in Sierra Leone is supporting women to take leadership roles and become more active in politics.

Celebrate the power of mums

Will you stand with mums like Tenneh in Sierra Leone this Christian Aid Week?

How we’re tackling coronavirus myths and fears in South Sudan

For people in South Sudan, fears around coronavirus are very similar to those felt here back home. And just like here, there is also the damage caused by ‘fake news’.