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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

Explore the latest issue, packed with powerful stories of hope and change. Your support is transforming lives worldwide.
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7 articles

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The ‘accidental humanitarians’ doing all they can for Ukraine

Christian Aid’s Karen McDonnell reflects on her time spent in Ukraine over the last year, including the impact of Christian Aid’s cash response and the inspiring ‘accidental humanitarians’ she met.

Keeping families in Kharkiv warm this winter

Working with our local partner and using Irish Emergency Alliance funds, Christian Aid has provided cash grants for community led projects across Ukraine. Read about the impact they’ve had here

Keeping valuable livestock alive and healthy in north-east Nigeria

In this blog, we take a look at the para vet service established in north-east Nigeria by Christian Aid with World Food Programme funds and how it’s helping farmers to keep valuable livestock healthy.

Providing vital medical support to Ukraine

Read how Christian Aid, together with our partner, have been providing vital medical supplies and equipment to where they are needed most in Ukraine.

Vaccine inequality hitting lower income countries the hardest

In this blog, we hear from Christian Aid colleagues based in Africa to get their take on the real-life impacts of vaccine inequality between wealthy and poorer countries.

Suzanne's 75 Challenge

Suzanne Shepherd, long-time Christian Aid supporter and volunteer, has begun a remarkable 75km walking challenge just 4 months after undergoing surgery for cancer.

Tax abuse

Tax abuses robs poor countries of more than $400bn a year