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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

Explore the latest issue, packed with powerful stories of hope and change. Your support is transforming lives worldwide.
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7 articles

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Reducing tensions along the Ethiopia-Kenya border

Read how together with local partners, Christian Aid is working with communities along the border between Ethiopia and Kenya to tackle the drivers of conflict between them and build peace.

‘I can now feed my children’

Read how Christian Aid has supported women in rural Burundi, including survivors of gender-based violence like Aline.

Overcoming drought and flooding in Honduras' 'Dry Corridor'

Read how our local partner is supporting people living in Honduras’ ‘Dry Corridor’ to better protect themselves from extreme weather and diversify their crops to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Horn of Africa crisis

The worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in 40 years is causing terrible suffering. In this blog, we hear from communities we are supporting in northern Kenya.

Charity Gifts

Give a gift with real meaning this Christmas and purchase a Charity Gift

Blessed are the peacemakers

How Christian Aid is helping to build peace in Burundi

On the frontline of the climate crisis – boosting the income of rural families in Honduras

Read how a Christian Aid supported solar energy project is helping women in rural Honduras to earn an income and ensuring communities are less reliant on cutting down trees to help light their homes.