Being led
Where will your faith lead you?
Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.
Something to think about
The power of faith can be hugely underestimated. Many studies have shown that those with faith or those who have spiritual practices such as meditation in their lives receive physical and mental benefit from it.
In the encounter between the Canaanite woman and Jesus, there is distress, anxiety and judgement. Even the disciples want the woman to leave Jesus alone, and they ask Jesus to send her away because of her shouting at them. But Jesus knows he was sent for such a situation as this, and he has time and healing not just for her daughter, but for her. Her faith led her to Jesus, her faith kept her chasing after him, and her faith in his ability to do something about her situation led to a solution. Jesus praises her for her faith and grants her wish that her daughter might be set free from her burden.
Faith has a place in our lives and in our world, because faith, hope and love are powerful and change things. The Canaanite woman found this to be true, but that was because she had faith in the right thing – faith in Jesus and in his power.