Amidst a brutal conflict, millions of people across Sudan are homeless and facing the threat of famine and death. More than 1 million people have fled across the border to seek safety in South Sudan, a country hit by the worst floods in decades.
We cannot allow these people to be forgotten. With your support, our partners can provide life-saving support, stop this widespread hunger and bring hope to people fleeing conflict.
'We have no future now'
Winny Abzala fled Khartoum where fighting raged outside her home. She left her home there with five children – but by the time she reached the border with South Sudan one of her children, a daughter, had died. She had become ill on the journey and with no access to medicine or doctors, she did not survive.
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Winny says "We have no future now. I am alone with my four children, carrying the loss of my daughter forever. I don’t think I’ll ever be happy again."
Winny and her children live in a refugee camp where they struggle to have enough to eat, to cope with the trauma of what they’ve been through and to think about the future.
It helps to share the devastating pain and loss of what I’ve been through with others, but I still feel completely alone. Alone in a foreign country with my children.
Sudan is overwhelmed. Urgent action is needed to provide food, shelter and medical care to those battling this crisis.
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The war has devastated livelihoods, destroyed infrastructure and cut off food supplies. The UN warns famine will spread without urgent intervention – the only place in the world at this level of hunger.
What's happening in South Sudan?
South Sudan has faced conflict and violence since becoming independent in 2011. Since the peace deal in 2018, the country continues to struggle with extreme flooding, hunger and political unrest. So far, over 1 million people have fled their homes into South Sudan – and many millions more are hungry, unable to feed their families. On top of that, flooding has wiped out crops and homes.
Sudan is overwhelmed. Urgent action is needed to provide food, shelter and medical care to those battling this crisis.
How Christian Aid is responding
Through local partners, we are both helping people impacted by the war in Sudan and meeting the needs of homeless families and host communities in South Sudan.
The attacks and the war came closer and closer to our home. We waited as long as we could, hoping it would calm down, but eventually, we had to leave.
How your donations help
Every donation helps us meet the escalating needs of people fighting for their very survival.
or €12 could buy corn to give a family like Winny’s several meals filling hungry bellies
or €24 could buy a hygiene kit to help stop the spread of disease and keep children healthy
or €60 could buy emergency shelter to keep a family safe even in the midst of uncertainty and fear
Help us continue to respond through our partners in the region.
Pray for peace in Sudan
Lord Jesus, you bless the peacemakers and comfort those who mourn.
We pray to you for all people affected by the conflict in Sudan.
May there be hope for healing in the region.
Console with your presence all who are fearful, exhausted, and grieving.
Lord Jesus, you were carried into Egypt in your mother’s arms, in search of safety.
We pray to you for those crossing into South Sudan to escape the violence.
May they have food, water, support and a secure place to stay.
Shelter with your love all who have had to leave their homes and face an uncertain future.
Lord Jesus, you challenge us to love our neighbour, to do good, and to seek justice.
We pray that those who have the power and resources to act will turn their attention to this crisis.
May the supplies and assistance that are so desperately needed come quickly.
Strengthen through your spirit all who are pursuing peace.