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26 resources

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Christian Aid Ghana: An exit learning review

Christian Aid Ghana closed in 2020, part of a wider restructure of Christian Aid. This review seeks to celebrate the work of the Ghana programme, and capture learning to share with partners, other Christian Aid programmes, and the development sector.

South Africa learning review

Learning from our work in South Africa

Christian Aid Zimbabwe SMT

The team behind Christian Aid Zimbabwe

Song of the prophets

A global theology of climate change

Christian Aid Ethiopia Annual Report 2018/19

A summary of Christian Aid Ethiopia’s major achievements during 2018/19 and contributions to changing the lives of communities we work with.

Christian Aid Nigeria programme strategy: 2019-2026

An overview of the vision, mission and strategy of the Christian Aid Nigeria programme for 2019-2026.

Prayer for South Sudan

Prayer for South Sudan

Prayer for the world based on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord? Can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy?

Prayer for those affected by floods

Compassionate God, source of all comfort, We pray for the people whose lives have devastated by rain and flood.

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

Community Partnerships explained

Community Partnerships explained

Prayer for Ethiopia

Lord, a land of coffee and grain of cattle and crops, of pasture and plain of laughter and love is thirsty.

Prayer for Nepal

Prayer for Nepal

Prayer in times of food shortages

Loving and almighty God, We pray for all who are working to combat the growing food crisis...

Prayers for the Nepal earthquake

Ressurection, offering and intercession prayers for the Nepal earthquake.

Prayer for emergencies

O God, our refuge and strength, our help in times of trouble.

Modern Slavery Act

Modern Slavery Act

Gender Justice strategy

Achieving just and equitable power relations for all