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11 resources

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Due Diligence Passporting: Lessons from Localising Efforts in Ukraine

This paper describes the learnings and recommendations emerging following a pilot of the Charter for Change Due Diligence Passporting Tool with Local and National Actors in Ukraine.

Паспортизація комплексного аудиту: уроки локалізації в Українi

This paper describes the learnings and recommendations emerging following a pilot of the Charter for Change Due Diligence Passporting Tool with Local and National Actors in Ukraine.

A prayer for the 1 year anniversary of the war in Ukraine - Ukrainian

Download this prayer in Ukrainian

A prayer for the one year anniversary of the war in Ukraine

Download this prayer in English

A prayer for Ukraine

Download this prayer for Ukraine in a graphic format to use in your church service or on your social media.

South Africa learning review

Learning from our work in South Africa

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Ireland’s responsibilities for global climate finance

The cost of inaction: Ireland must increase its funding of projects tackling climate change to fairly contribute to global efforts

Prayer for Indonesian earthquake and tsunami

O God, hold those who are hurting

Prayer for hope

Prayer for hope

Employment ethos/employer aspiration

A statement of intent to create and develop a workplace free from unfair discrimination