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This year marks a significant milestone in the history of Christian Aid Ireland. We are turning 80!

Christian Aid was founded by the churches in Britain and Ireland in 1945, in the aftermath of World War Two, to respond to the refugee crisis in Europe.

Thanks to the generous and prayerful support of thousands of individuals and churches we are still here 80 year on working to tackle both the symptoms and root causes of poverty in over 30 countries.

On World Refugee Day,  Friday 20th June 2025 we are going to hold a special service of thanksgiving for the global impact been made possible by the individuals, churches, staff and partners which make are Christian Aid.

As we give thanks we will also focus on the challenges ahead and recommit ourselves to striving for a world free from the scandal of poverty.

Please plan to join us:

Belfast Cathedral, Donegall Street, Belfast. BT1 2HB

Friday 20th June 2025, 7pm

There will be reflections from Christian Aid’s history, music from Renaissance Choir and Intercultural Worship Ireland and our preacher will be former Chair of Christian Aid Ireland The Rt Rev Trevor Williams.

Our service will close with tea and coffee and opportunity to chat.

Yes I’ll join you for the 80th Anniversary Service

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