Millions of men, women and children in East Africa are being pushed closer and closer to famine.
The worst drought in forty years, along with global food prices soaring due to the war in Ukraine, have led to failed harvests, the death of livestock and water shortages.
How it got this way:
The severe conditions are being made worse by the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has amplified an increase in global food prices that has turned a tough situation into a dire crisis.
It's not too late to save lives and prevent a devastating famine.
By donating today, you can give lasting hope. With your gifts, we can help stop this widespread malnutrition and hunger, and help people build a life free from poverty and injustice.
From investing in water purification kits to dispersing animal feed and medicine, Christian Aid is supporting over 300,000 people. To save lives and give people hope, please donate what you can today.
Our response
The response to humanitarian needs in Ukraine has been remarkable. We must now urgently act in that same spirit for East Africa.
Working through local partners, Christian Aid is responding to the severe drought in Ethiopia and Kenya and helping over 300,000 people by:
- repairing wells
- handing out water purification kits
- providing cash support
- trucking water to drought-affected communities
- providing fodder and medicine to keep valuable livestock alive
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We must be clear; we are facing a humanitarian crisis. Poverty and hunger are set to rise exponentially in some of the poorest parts of the world... We need a long-term approach to stabilising global food security and to stop funding fossil fuels and the reliance on Russia, both of which impacts the countries where we work. That means investment in sustainable renewable energy, such as wind and solar power.
With your donation, we can help stop this widespread malnutrition and hunger, and help people build a life free from poverty and injustice.
Prayer for East Africa
Creator God,
The earth is yours and everything in it,
All people and all nations under your care,
Lord, we lift up to you the people of East Africa,
Where rivers have dried up,
rains have failed,
and crops have withered in the field.
We cry out to you for rain, that the land may burst into life again.
That people may eat and be satisfied.
But, Lord we confess that this disaster is no surprise.
It is of our own making.
Our greed and carelessness with your precious earth
Has caused a climate crisis
And it is the poorest who pay the cost.
Forgive us Lord.
Create in us a heart for justice
Help us to share what we have.
So, that help may come urgently to those in desperate need.
May our governments respond with financial support.
And may they show leadership in tackling the climate crisis
We cry out to you again for rain, rain that will roll down like a river,
Until justice fills the earth again,